Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Thursday, December 24, 2015

What's Up with the Westras?

As the year comes to a close, and the annual Westra Christmas Eve party nears, I always gather photos from all the families to make into a video to show when everyone is together. This gathering of photos is also used to create a calendar to hang up in all the households year round. Originally, Chris's family did the calendar, then Gray took it over (and switched to digital), then Alicia put her skills to use for the past few years. She was a little busy this year, and as I'm gathering and organizing all the pictures anyway, I figured I'd try my hand at it. Making the calendar and slideshow, it was interesting to reflect on all that happened on the Westra side this past year ...

Most memorable, was Dad(Grandpa) having a heart attack. I remember getting the call from my nephew Jase, who had been with him when it happened. Just that original thought of "this can't possibly happen to MY dad!". Dad has been in excellent health and very active, this was absolutely unexpected. All the siblings gathered at the hospital and it was touch and go for a bit. Then, it seemed he would pull through physically, but his mental health was still in question. Happily, after just a few rough days, Daddy was back.

In Scott's family ... we had a wedding!
The first wedding of a Westra grandchild.

... it was the year of the missionaries! Chris and Kim and THREE missionaries out for 2015. Kim's two girls, Crystal and Kourtney. They both finished their missions here at the end of the year. Kaden is almost home (January) and Corin will be leaving. They will have a combined "homecoming/farewell" for their family! Landon left of course, but so did Janika, Wendy's oldest. 

Shane's family made a big move as the year came to a close ... literally. Due to job changes, they are leaving Utah and heading to California! We've been so lucky to have all our family close by. We will really miss having them around.

Derek and Danielle had some unexpected, but wonderful news! They are pregnant! After infertility and two darling adopted daughters, they were going to get to experience the entire pregnancy process themselves as well. Derek has been so cute documenting Danielle's pregnancy progression. It's another girl, and she's expected in January.

So THAT's what has been up with the Westra bunch this past year. 

Here's the Slideshow I made 
(it is a little long, I mean it's the WHOLE year from seven families!)

... and there are the calendar pages
We use the Apple Calendars, they are so nice!
These are the custom picture pages above the calendar for each month.













In the extended family~
My cousin Nikki and her family had to bid farewell to their little Eliza.

I'll always admire my cousin Nikki and all she has gone through with such strength and purpose. They are an amazing family!

2015 will be remembered. 

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