Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Oops He Did It Again ... AGAIN!

Remember when Callahan was in 8th grade, and he broke his foot? And then after it finally healed ... he broke it again. Well he did that again! AGAIN! I actually never even got around to blogging his break last fall. That one was October 16. He broke it playing basketball. In the boot for months and finally the okay for it off at the end of December. Then January 17th, he was at work and stepped off a ladder. Maybe landed a bit wrong and ... AGAIN. It took us a few days to get an official diagnosis (the weekend and MLK) but guess what? It's broken. Unlike the time in 2013, the back to back break IS the same foot, and the same spot. 

Because this happened on the job, we filed a claim with Worker's Compensation (I'd emailed my brother to get some guidance there, as that's where he works). We wondered if surgery or something might be an option (since this is the fourth time he's broken his foot, the third time in this spot) but pretty much decided to just wear the boot. In fact, he didn't even get a new boot, he still had the old one. We should have had him get a new one though, because after a week he was back to work (WCF was paying the medical bills but no employment compensation).  Trying to stay off ladders, but ... so slow! As I'm writing this blog post in retrospect, it's taking months! Anyway, the boot would get so dirty that we bought another boot off Amazon so he could have a "work" boot and a clean boot to wear when not working. 

Silly Keaton put them both on and said to Cal "I really don't know why you like these?"
Of course Cal HATES das boot!

In the top collage, the upper right photo shows Callahan with a gift basket ... right after the break, Keaton put some goodies together for Cal, just some things to make him feel better. Keaton is not only super silly, but sweet too!

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