Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, May 15, 2017

Mothers Day 2017

This Mother's Day will be memorable to me. The boys recreated some favorite photos from back in the day. They were SO cute! We had to print extra copies to give to the grandma's as well.  You can see one of the pictures in the frame here (being a FLAG PHOTO, I stuck it one a patriotic blog post, so you can see it better there) and I'll include the other two below. 

The morning was fairly standard. They always do up a breakfast in bed ... although I don't always stay in bed. It's fun to come into the kitchen and see all the boys busy helping out. 

We were able to have both grandmas over in the evening too, to pass on pictures and presents.

The day before, Olivia set up a surprise for Pam, Courtney, Ana and I ... pedicures. It was fun to get together and chat and relax while we got our piggies prettied up. 

Grayson got me a lovely boquet ... and an Amazon gift card.
I do love Amazon!

... and as promised, here's the cute photo recreations!

Little Landon

Cute Callahan

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