Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, June 2, 2017

Celebrating America - Colton's 5th Grade Program

Ah ... elementary school. The end-of-year program is a tradition at Terra Linda. For the 5th graders, the theme is AMERICA. Songs about the constitution, patriotic ballads and even one I remember singing when I was Colton's age (Are You for Independence).

I mentioned to Colton as part of a singing group I was in (Carousel Kids) we'd sung that ... and I still remember most of it today! We'd also sung the "There was a Man" and "The Inventor's Song" and while they weren't included in this year's program, Colton said they were familiar to him too. I'm not sure how, but I had managed to find the tracks and add them to my Itunes library. Fun little songs!

I didn't record the entire program, just snippets of each song. 
Colton is always SO serious, 
but his friend sitting next to him managed to make him smile a time or two.


Many of the songs were also familiar,
as several were the same ones from Cooper's 5th grade program just a couple of years ago. 


Now - Completely unrelated to school programs, but paralleling the patriotism angle and the flashing back to bigger Blackham boys when they were little, for Mother's Day, the boys re-created this classic flag photo from years ago. Isn't it the cutest?

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