Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, September 5, 2014

Blackham Boys and BB Guns

As I mentioned in a previous post ... Cooper was not particularly excited to go to scout camp in the summer (Summer Scouts). But one of the good things that came from that, was a renewed interest in shooting BB guns. If you call that a good thing I guess. I like any activity that gets the boys outside, requires some skill, and builds the family dynamics. Generally, Dad and brothers would all come out with Cooper to shoot in the backyard.

 Our targets of choice? Cans of soda pop. 
Shaken of course ... that makes them even more fun!

A video posted by JenB (@jenblackham) on

Oh the carnage! I mean ..."can-age"
... and Cooper cleaning it all up!

Once, as we pulled out some soda to use, I accidentally included a can of v-8 tomato juice. When it was shot... it looked like a crime scene! The red juice all over looked like blood! Gross!  I picked up some little plastic army guys, and Cooper would try shooting them too. I mean ... they do have guns! Poor little green guys without heads all over the backyard. 

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