Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Summer Stuff

It's interesting the things that just scream summer ... the ice cream truck, playing outside with the hose, late nights, sleeping in. Then there are the other things that you suddenly notice are "summer" stuff ...

Take the boys shoes ...

Normally, they are all wearing high top basketball shoes ... but this past summer, they all switched to simple slip-ons. I'm not sure who started it first. I think maybe it was Colton's friend Randon who had some, and Colton mentioned he would like a pair. I picked him up a pair, then grabbed some for Callahan. Then Keaton wanted some, and Cooper did too. Landon ended up with a pair as well. They were SUMMER shoes ... no one wears them anymore. So interesting to see the trends ...

There were summer foods as well. I'd had some corn dogs in the freezer for who knows how long. They were past their prime, so I threw them out ... but then the boys requested some. I bought a small package. It was gone. I bought another. Gone again. I bought a BIG pack and they got through almost all of it and then summer ended ... and the boys stopped eating corn dogs.

Chicken nuggets were another "summer only" meal.  As was Nutella!  I'd purchased some Nutella here and there in the past, but Callahan fell in love with it over the summer. I had to purchase a big jar and he went right through it. I can't remember the last time he had it now...

Of course badminton was a Summer2014 thing too, it does have it's weather limitations though. 

Another "summer 2014" activity for me this past year was a return to Kmart, with their "Fitstudio" program. I suddenly had points I could use each week, and I was making weekly trips into the store. My boys are now outfitted in Protege shorts, shoes and shirts. My shopping is continuing ... not ending with summer like the other summer trends! *Ü*  All the shoes in the picture above were purchased at Kmart with Fitstudio points. Summer savings!

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