Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A Keaton Compilation

  Random Keaton pictures that didn't make it into their own blog post!

Keaton ... the Blackham Boy right smack dab in the middle of the family. Two brothers older, two brothers younger. It's time for my post with random pictures ... like the photo above. Um, that's just Keaton! Thumbs up!

When Keaton wanted to take gingersnaps to all his friends, 
I said sure, as long as he made them himself. 
He did ...Ah, Keaton cooking!

Keaton is our Star Wars fan ... note the Darth Vader jacket (although apparently that fad is fading with him). He's also my "video game" boy, and his cousin Will is happy to have him to hang out with! If you notice the case on Keaton's iphone ... Lego. See below ...

Last summer, Keaton got creative and made this little "movie theater" for lego guys (most of them Star Wars dudes) ... the "movie" being shown? The LEGO movie of course!

I can't remember why we took this picture ... I'd originally bought this book for Landon some years ago. I think Keaton needed to do a report on muscle cars or something, and I pulled this out as a reference! The things we have in our home library!

So those are some of the random photos to feature on my "catching up with Keaton" post ... other pictures (bowling, water fun, jumping, scouts, school) all appeared on their own posts a while back. While I didn't mention basketball here, after finishing up his 7th grade season, he played some Spring Ball, took the summer off, and plans on playing his 8th grade year.

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