Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mr. Missionary

Back when the announcement was first made changing the mission age for both young men and women, it changed the plans for many of the youth out there. But not for Landon. He has a September birthday, and turned 18 early in his senior year. He'd planned on finishing high school and working for the summer before heading out on a mission.

He completed all the paperwork as he worked and saved money. Of course we were aware that he'd finished it all up and sent it in, but when the envelope appeared in the mailbox, it was still a bit of a shock! It was a really quick turnaround. We hadn't really even talked about "the opening" and how it would be handled.  I sent Landon and Grayson a text letting them know IT was here.  Landon did come home from work a bit early and I wondered if maybe he wanted to open it on his own. In the end, we did throw together a quick "opening party" for that night (rather than waiting for the weekend, as had been discussed as a possibility). I made a quick store run and grabbed ingredients for an ice cream sundae bar and we were pretty set. 

Landon went out and bought a big map and took people's guesses. I took Keaton to his basketball game while Landon went to his friend Tyler's "opening" as he had received his call today too (he is going to Germany, leaving in March). 

Landon had hoped for foreign and he got his wish. Mexico, Puebla North.  He'll put those two years of high school Spanish to good use! *Ü*  Leaving February 18... I'm so glad he'll still be here for Christmas this year!

So know for the final prep ... the passport, visa, immunizations. Buying the mission wardrobe and other essentials he'll need. The brothers are already placing dibs on who gets his room, and Callahan is eyeing many of the clothes in the closet.

Congrats to Landon ... Mr. Missionary!

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