Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, January 16, 2015

Maga's Move

It was several years ago, when Maga moved from the house on Linden (The Last Supper). The home Gray and his brothers had grown up in. The home that all of us newlywed couples had called our own (in the basement apartment). Maga's house to the Grandkids. Maga moved up to a nice new house in Farmington, but then the time came to sell and move from there.

It was actually two moves. As the Farmington house sold, Maga hadn't found a new house yet. She and Ana moved into a basement apartment there in North Salt Lake. It was furnished, so just the essentials were moved ... all the rest went into storage. Aunt Jackie said Pammy could use a big truck on their property in Payson. Gray and the boys made several trips and several Saturdays to get everything there.

Then, Pammy found her new house. Just a few doors down from Uncle Clay in Riverton! So once again, the boys were called upon to move. To pull everything from Payson, and the remaining items from North Salt Lake.

But now, Maga is moved! And it's a lot closer ... especially for Clay!

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