Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, November 21, 2014

Falling Back to Bouncing

During the summers, we have stayed busy bouncing at Jump N Bounce. If you follow this blog, you've probably seen many pictures and posts about it. But it's generally a summer thing. It's a little pricey without the month-pass deal (which we only really have time to take advantage of during the summer). But this fall ... we did get back to bouncing a couple of times.

Keaton REALLY wanted to go to Airborne. It's a bit further away (in Draper) and even more expensive than Jump N Bounce. $20 for an hour of play! We went on Tuesday, and got a 2xTuesday deal ($20 for 2 hours ... which is about how long it takes the kids to wear themselves out). It was a bit of a birthday gift for Keaton (but Cooper's birthday is right around then too). We took our neighbor Jacob, and the four boys had a great time. It's got trampolines, foam pits, and obstacle course ...

Then, The DiFran family came to town! Yea, we LOVE the DiFran family. We used to spend so much time hanging with them (at Jump and other places) until they moved to California. As they came in town for a bit, we got together ... where else but Jump N Bounce, just like days past. Our little neighbor Ambree came also (so Mara wouldn't be the only girl). It was so fun to see them again.

Not sure when the next bouncing will be ....

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