Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Saturday, November 22, 2014

No NBA? NO!!!

Last Spring, our Comcast cable bill went up. I called to see what we could do and ended up dropping us to the most basic cable package (which with a bundled deal was actually cheaper than dropping cable altogether). We really don't watch any "TV" anymore ... Netflix and AmazonPrime keep us entertained. Until basketball season starts up again anyway. When the first Jazz game aired, Cooper was quite dismayed to find out that we no longer had TNT, ESPN or Root. That meant no Jazz or other NBA games. Well ... we are back to a higher cable package and Cooper is happily watching again.

Then, Gray was given tickets to a Jazz game. He asked me who I thought should go ... and I immediately said Cooper. Coop has really been struggling with anxiety (he's a homebody like me) and I thought it would be good for him to get out, and have some one-on-one father/son time. Cooper was pretty happy about it. 

 They had great seats! Row 5!
Right up there with the action. 

 Across the court, Clay and Will were there that night too!

Cute picture Uncle Clay!

It was a perfect night out for the boys. The Jazz won!  The next morning Cooper was watching clips on NBA.com, catching the highlights from the game the night before. He then burst out "I can see me!" ... and as he continued to watch he'd say "I can see me again! And again!"

Cooper didn't want to sign up to PLAY Junior Jazz ... but you can bet he'll be watching basketball all season long! With Callahan, Keaton and Colton playing ... so will I!

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