Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Teenage Driver #2

Callahan had turned 15 back in February and we really should have gotten his permit as soon as summer hit. I was constantly driving him around all summer (to friend's houses, church gyms and Gene Fullmer Rec Center) and all those little trips would have been practice with him behind the wheel. With school quick approaching, we did make an appointment and go in to get it while our summer schedule was a little more flexible. Happily, he had already passed the written test (one of his friend's dad is a driving instructor) to we just had to go fill out the paperwork and take the picture.

With his learner's permit in hand ... it was time to practice. If you know me, you know I already have anxiety issues in a car. Add in a new teenage driver and it's not a good situation. So ... Grayson took Callahan out a few times. On the freeways, on the smaller roads. After a few successful trips out, I even relaxed enough to let Callahan drive on the little outings I would take him on (to basketball practice, social outings, etc.)

We actually will NOT have two teenage drivers in the house at the same time though. Landon leaves for his mission on February 18. Callahan turns 16 on February 21. So the old truck will be available as soon as Callahan has his birthday ... not that the truck is in great shape (Registration Rigmarole) but other than the insurance cost - it will be nice having another driver in the house. Especially as Callahan is constantly on the go. It will make things easier when he doesn't need a ride every single time!

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