Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Summer Scouts

Scouting runs all year long ... but summer means scout camps! This scuba diving activity was a little earlier in the year, but Grayson bought a brand new underwater camera to take these pictures. He then took it on a later scout adventure ...

 Varsity camp later in August.
The crew ran the rapids and alas, the camera did not survive. The boat Grayson was in overturned and away floated the camera. So if you see one of those posts going around the Internet trying to return pictures, let us know!

Cooper and Colton attended summer cub camp too, although they weren't very happy about it. I think Coop actually had fun though. He came home SO filthy both days. He enjoyed the BB guns, and it started a lot of shooting in our own backyard after camp. Colton got sick and ended up missing the second day.

Keaton was also not very excited about camp (Bear Lake Aquatics Camp). Our ward is SO small there were only two of them. They combined with another ward, but Keaton didn't know anyone and was pretty nervous about the whole thing. He ended up having a decent time, and making friends with the other boys.

He even organized a couple get-togethers at Jump N Bounce with them later in the summer!

Ah ... Scouting.

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