Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

 Happy Halloween! I'm really an angel!

Halloween is NOT my favorite holiday. I went ahead and stocked up on some candy. I went to the school for the Halloween parade and then volunteered in Cooper's classroom for their party (I've been in charge before with my stock of Halloween games) but this year I was just helping out at one of the stations (Memory). After pulling out THREE HUGE boxes of Halloween costumes, the kids said there was "nothing" to wear ... so I took them to the store to buy new ones.

Grayson took the boys to the church "Trunk or Treat" (as I was busy with Keaton's basketball game that night) ... so he said I was on duty to take them around the neighborhood this year. I guess that's fair, as he did the walk-about last year. We actually could not beat the weather this year! I can't recall a nicer evening for trick-or-treating ever! It was 70° ... perfect!

Gray had come home from work and rolled his eyes a bit at the Halloween excitement. Like me, it's not his favorite holiday. I pretty much expected him to go hide in the bedroom and put Landon and Keaton on door duty. Instead, he totally surprised me by saying "I wonder if we should get out the projector and show a movie on the garage?"  They proceeded to set that up ... we downloaded "It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" and he and the boys simply sat outside and handed out candy. there were extra chairs set up if anyone wanted to stop and sit and watch for a bit too.

I walked around with Cooper and Colton (and Jacob from next door). We went around out little loop, then up out of the neighborhood to 40th West. Colton was "done" but Cooper wanted more. We stopped home to unload, and while I was willing to go out again and hit the rest of the neighborhood, Cooper decided he was done too. That was fine by me as well. I had worn my Fitbit of course ... we'd gone just over 6000 steps (approximately three miles). 

Then it's time for the annual "candy haul" picture and candy sort. Neither little boy likes peanuts/peanut butter, so any candy containing that is set aside for me or their brothers. Kit Kats are their favorite. I didn't get any full costume shots! Keaton didn't go out this year, but helping passing out candy with Landon and Dad. Callahan was off with friends as usual.

I never got around to really decorating this year ... for Halloween of for Fall. I put out the wreath for the front door, but that was about all outside. Indoors, I pulled out the glass pumpkin and filled it up with candy corn. I'm not sure WHY I temp myself like that, but I do. I LOVE candy corn!

How was YOUR Halloween?

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