Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Graduation Day!

I can't believe it ... we've got a graduate! Wasn't it just yesterday Landon was starting kindergarten? He's such a self-starter, always up early, got a little college credit under his belt already (concurrent enrollment, and he passed his AP tests). Having a kid in school, you know what is happening day to day. The next few years ... hmmm, it's going to be interesting!

I was really not sure of all that needed to be done. I know everyone does professional graduation photos for announcements and such these days. I'd put that off, but Aunt Alicia (GrayWrenPhotography) was willing to squeeze us in. I searched for announcement ideas on Pinterest and then whipped this up myself (I've got skills!)

Then it was the big day! The graduation was being held downtown at Energy Solutions Arena.  The graduates needed to be there a little early. Rather than having to come home (from his NSL work) Grayson just met us there. Landon and I caught a ride with a fellow student's family. Maga and Aunt Ana came too. The speakers were good, and there were only a few minor insurgencies (beach balls being tossed about). 

Afterward, we had an early dinner at Tepanyaki. Yummy! The graduation had been mid-day, and the other boys still had school. I know some families would pull their kids and have them attend the graduation too, but the brothers weren't really interested (sitting for a couple hours? Like church?) and it was fun field day for the little ones. It was a bit difficult, as I had to arrange for the boys to go home with neighbors as we were still downtown at pick-up time. 

ConGRADulations Landon!

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