Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, June 8, 2014

End of Elementary

It was nine months ago, that I took Colton and Cooper to their NEW elementary school. We'd made the switch from Columbia to Terra Linda to get onto a traditional schedule. I think after the initial scary start, everyone benefited from the change. It was SO nice not going off-track and having big breaks during the school year. And, the little boys got to get out at the same time as the big boys, and we got to have a SUMMER!

But before school ends ... it's time for school programs and awards!
Cooper's class did a program, including the infamous
 4th grade recorders.

Here's a clip ..

Colton's program had been a little earlier (in April)
Here's some highlights from his.


Onto the AWARDS ...

Colton got a medal for math and received the "Tiger'sPride" award (only two given per class). Cooper received the "Citizenship" award (only two kids per class get it). The 4th grade also participated in the Presidential Fitness program. Cooper wasn't able to complete ONE of the activities (the v-sit) to earn the highest award (I think only three kids in the 4th grade made it) but did get the National Fitness Award (along with about a third of the class *Ü*).  You can read a little more about the program on my JenB'sJourney blog. 

We did have a school scare at the end of the year ... we were told Terra Linda was going to have to switch to a year-round schedule. The district was redoing boundaries and pushing another neighborhood into the school increasing it's load. I was SO sad. Switching schools just to get on the traditional schedule, loving it ... and for only one year? However, Terra Linda is going to stick with a traditional schedule at least for another year. I literally danced when I heard. I'll take it, and cross my fingers that it continues!

And now for a FULL summer!

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