Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Comcast "Customer Service"

You always hear the horror stories. We'd had Comcast for a few years now, and while there were the occasional outages, they would usually resolve pretty quickly. We do stream a TON of stuff at our house, I've appreciated that they've put up with us.

Then came the day when nothing worked. I checked Comcast's site and did NOT see any outage reported. It was just us. I tried re-setting the modem and router as I have had to do many times in the past, but it still didn't help.  After calling in, it was determined that our modem had died and needed to be replaced.

I had a couple options. I could take the box in to a local Comcast center, exchange it and install it myself, or a technician could do it. This would incur a $35 service fee, and the earliest appointment was the next day. I was intimidated enough at the thought of driving across town and installing it myself, that I opted for the latter.

The kids took the outage better than expected. They pulled out some DVDs to watch instead of streaming. They played some board games rather than video games requiring an online connection. We had several cell phones, so we were still reachable, and I could still check email and such. It was inconvenient ... but it was just for a day.

Or so I thought.

The next day, I sat around from 3:00-5:00 ... the hours I had been told a technician would be by. No one showed up. I called, and they said the appointment was for the NEXT day between 3:00-5:00. I was absolutely positive I had been told Thursday. Friday did not work, as Gray and I were going to a matinee performance of Les Miserables

I called in, but it was too late for them to send anyone out that day (Thursday). They said they would get someone there first thing in the morning. Now when I had called back to inquire, I discovered there was an automated system to check on your appointment. I called back  Friday morning to verify someone was coming ... only to hear "your appointment is scheduled for March 7, from 3:00-5:00". WHAT??? That was a week out! What was going on with their appointment scheduling? There was some malfunction in what I was being told and what was being entered! I called back and again and after a frustrating conversation was told someone would come out that morning. I called back to verify ... only to have the time scheduled be in the afternoon (when we would be gone). 

I gave up. I overcame my apprehension, ripped the defective modem from the computer, and drove to the Comcast center. There ... it was like the DMV. I took a number and waited. I finally exchanged the equipment. I did successfully install it all and got us back up and running. It only took three days and me doing everything myself to get things done.

Old Setup ... New Setup

So just a heads up ... IF you make an appointment with Comcast. DOUBLE CHECK your appointment time. There was something screwy going on! Hopefully you'll have better luck than I did.

*** and an update ... I received my bill from Comcast. When I went into the service center, I returned to cable boxes. Two cable boxes that had originally been installed at no charge. Cable boxes that then Comcast started charging us for, $1.98 every month (so $3.98 for both). Cable boxes that provided the most basic channels, but not all that we paid for (we'd have to pay more, get boxes like the main box to get all the channels). These boxes had not been in use for over a year, so I returned them when I made the exchange.  I got my March bill ... and they are STILL on there. Of course I kept the receipt, and I have proof of their return, but after calling and writing I'm still waiting on a response from Comcast!

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