Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Summer Recap

We had a busy and fun summer ... we jump started it by running a family 5K ...
and a hike to Secret Lake
J&G did LOTS of hikes, just the two of them

We got in one rainy camping trip to Pineview
Keaton got a fly IN his ear

... a trip to Lagoon ...
We bring the trailer and camp overnight.

We went rafting down the Provo River with friends

and of course ... summer means SCOUT camp ...

and swimming

and water wars in the front yard with friends

Jumping Jacks, NickleMania and miniature golf
were just a few of the fun things we did during the days.

Lots of bowling
(thanks Allstar Lanes for the Summer Safe Pass)

and summer means LOTS of lessons ...
Landon took several sessions of golf

there was the annual swimming lessons

tennis lessons

Cooper did basketball camp
and Keaton did a soccer clinic

We went to a couple cool car shows

and to finish off the summer with a big bang, we had a TRIPLE birthday party (Landon, Keaton and Cooper) ... three cakes! It was a movie theme, with bingo and other games to earn "tickets" that could be redeemed for concessions (popcorn, drinks and candy) as we showed a "movie" in the backyard. It was a lot of fun. Now ... back to school and schedules. Bye Summer!

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