Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

20 Year Reunion & 25 Things

Gray and I went to the same high school, just one year apart. We didn't know each other in high school, and I think we were complete opposites then. He was on the football team, I never went to a game. I was the lead in the school musical, he didn't go to those. So anyone who knew the both of us, to hear we got married ... it's probably a bit of a surprise.

It did make the reunions a little easier ... I knew a bunch of people in the class of 88, and he knew a bunch of people in the class of 89. It was fun to see people again.

Not really reunion related ... but this "challenge" has been going around Facebook to list 25 things people may not know about you. So here is my list:

  1. I wear a pedometer and record my steps every single day.
  2. I always watch DVDs with the subtitles on ... no subtitles? Huge pet peeve of mine!
  3. I like shopping thrift stores and sales, and go on Ebay buying binges.
  4. I’ve been parasailing, swimming with dolphins, snorkeling and gone for a ride in a hot air balloon.
  5. I am a total homebody.
  6. I was the lead in my high school musical.
  7. I have been changing diapers for 13 years with no break.
  8. I prefer Word Perfect to Microsoft Word.
  9. I have a scar on my chin from falling on the edge of our family fireplace when I was two years old. It isn’t very noticeable, but when it was showcased how Harrison Ford’s character got a scar on his chin (the 3rd Indiana Jones film) everyone suddenly noticed mine too.
  10. I graduated Summa Cum Laude from BYU.
  11. I have seven different Ipods ... all in almost daily use.
  12. I didn’t get my ears pierced until I was out of high school.
  13. I like to use ellipses ...
  14. I’m afraid of dogs.
  15. I ate a peanut butter and honey sandwich every single day for lunch until Jr. High ... and I’ve never had once since. Same story with Cheetos (well, I didn’t have them every day, but I loved them. Then I bought a big bag with my own money, ate half, and have never had another).
  16. I’ve got an entire room full of unused scrapbooking supplies.
  17. I think the test for gestational diabetes (having to drink that horrid drink) is the worst part of a pregnancy.
  18. I subscribe to ALL the fitness magazines (Shape, Self, Women’s Health, Fitness, Health, Prevention). Used to be the scrapbooking magazines ...
  19. I can’t get over how cute my hubby is! He says I’m a bit biased, but ... he’s SO cute!
  20. I’m an avid journal keeper.
  21. I’m not sure I could give up the convenience of Caller ID, Tivo or Blockbuster Online.
  22. I am nervous behind the wheel of a car ... I hate driving on freeways or places I haven’t been to before. My parents had to FORCE me to get my driver’s licence.
  23. I had a cancer scare when I was a junior in high school. For about 36 hours, I thought I was going to die. (Misdiagnosis of a lumpy lymphnode ... turned out to be nothing).
  24. I love to eat kids cereal for breakfast ... or dinner ... (mmmm .... Cocoa Puffs, Apple Jacks, Capn. Crunch, Fruity Pebbles, Cookie Crisp).
  25. I’ll never say never again.

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