Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Landon's ACL

This will be backdated to March 2024
October 2023, Landon was helping move Aunt Ana out of her house, when a twist turned bad and Landon's knee was not doing well. He'd had some trouble with this knee for years ... so instead of getting it checked out, he just "rested"' it for a while. It didn't get better. Finally, in February of 2024 he followed up with some physical therapy, and they recommended an MRI. That revealed that he'd torn his ACL, and that there was likely damage to the meniscus as well. 

While never good news, it was especially frustrating having waited so long for the diagnosis. Had he found out immediately, he might have been able to almost recovered at this point! Additionally, he'd just moved into his own apartment ... on the fourth floor. But, needs must ... surgery was scheduled.

Knowing that he would need some care afterward, Landon came and "moved in" the night before. After Landon had moved out, we'd done a room rearrange here. Colton moved into Keaton's old room downstairs, and we turned the back bedroom into a spare room. Landon was our first guest. Probably not as nice as his OWN room had been here just a month earlier, but it would do. 

Early morning, we arrived at LonePeak hospital in Draper first thing. A nerve block done, then off to surgery, general anesthesia. It was all done around 9:00, and then it was a bit of a wait while the anesthesia wore off. Got him home and settled, iced up and prescriptions procured. Set a schedule to manage the pain meds. 

Oreo LOVED having Landon around.

Landon felt like he'd be able to handle things and moved back to his apartment on March 16. I did a little food prep and a couple grocery store runs in the following week or so, along with some ubering to doctor and physical therapy appointments. We had to do one follow-up at the hospital to check for blood clots (as the leg was a little red and swollen) but things were okay. Landon had taken a week off work, but then was able to return working remotely, and then catching a ride with a coworker for a few trips to the office. 

From crutches, to one crutch, to just the full knee-brace, then the knee sleeve ... getting back to some movements, some walking. He probably played pickleball sooner than medically advisable and as summer progressed ... a return to running and hiking. 

Adios ACL injury!

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