Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Dog Next Door

The neighbor's next door got a dog! The Blackham Boys love dogs but don't have one, so next-door will have to do for now. When the neighbors would have a weekend getaway (sans puppy) or just a long work day, they would hire the Blackham boys to come over and give Remi potty/play breaks. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, Remi, or Colton and Cooper. Keaton and Callahan would often participate as well. 

While nothing compared to Keaton's allergic reaction (to cashews) ... Cooper would sometimes get a little speckled after playing with Remi. It would not happen every time though, so we're not exactly sure. Maybe not the fur, but the salvia (if she jumps and licks his face?) although that seemed to happen almost every time, and some interactions he was fine. A little Benedryl and rest and Coop would be back to normal ... and back to Remi.  The boys would continue to help out over the years.

Here's a little video ...

The first tiny clip is September 2016. The second is November.
You can see how quickly Remi got bigger!

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