Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May Memories - 2016

May was memorable ... ducks played a huge part! But there was quite a bit of family stuff and basketball of course.  Hubs had several derbies, but Meniere's and pinched nerve problems continued to really make things difficult and miserable this month. School is slowing down and almost out ... that will certainly shift up schedules. Here comes summer!

  • Family: K&J were in town (they'd come in for Pammy's Party) so we had all the Blackhams over for a Sunday breakfast. That same day there was a Westra "Cookies and Cousins" in the evening. Visits to both moms for Mother's Day, and we got "the call" from our missionary. Hubs/Maga and the littles hit several cemeteries for Memorial Day. An impromptu BBQ for my dad's birthday. We went to Maga's to see the new kittens.
  • Basketball: While not quite as many games as last month, there was still plenty of play going on. Happy to have Colton finish up the TwoxTuesday league, and Maga came out to see Cal play. A meeting for summer plans. 
  • School: Shakespeare Day at school, a field trip for Coop (I don't have anything in my notes as to where they went), a "Fun Run" at the elementary for the littles (and then Keaton did the neighborhood 5k, even in the rain). Colton had his end of year program.
  • Six Derbies
  • Dinner & a Movie: We had a family Tepanyaki run, and Red Robin for Mother's Day.  Hubs picked up some Marco's Pizza after Keaton/Colton had it with friends and raved about it ... our experience was ehhhh. Hubs took the littles to see "Civil War" and he and I watched "The Martian" on DVD (it was really good). 
  • Medical: Gray had an MRI and still struggled with spinning and sciatica. Another dentist appointment for Keaton.
  • Hobbies: Jen still Zumba-ing, subbed a few times and got in a Saturday class. Generally going five days a week, but missed a few here and there. 22 total for the month. Hubs is still smoking up a storm. Yummy!
  • DUCKS: Eggs were in the incubator last month, and this month they hatched! Well, one did. There was one or two others that were so close but didn't make it out of the egg, which was heartbreaking! Also sad for our solo baby, who didn't stay alone for long. Hubs picked up five additional ducklings. Then wild momma duck who had been visiting us all last month showed up with 13 babies! They were so fun to watch, but again, stressful as they would wander (a couple fell down a neighbor's window well, but we rescued them). After one wander, there were only 12 :(  A cat tried to get them (Hubs and I ran out in our jammies to chase the cat away and round up the babies and reunite them with momma). She finally made her way to the local canal ... good luck ducks. We still had our six, growing like crazy!

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