Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Maga's Menagerie

Maga had a bit of a menagerie this year (we can't really point fingers, as at our house there were 20 ducks in the backyard, two kitties and a goldfish inside, but that's not the point of this post!) It all started when pretty Princess got pregnant. At the end of May, she had five little kittens. The little tan one didn't make it :(

The Blackham boys went out a few times to see the kittens and get a little playtime in. 
Nothing cuter than kittens!
Ana had her arms full!

Maga meant to get Princess in to be fixed, but oops ... she was expecting again!
Another batch of babies. This time the daddy must have had a little Siamese in him.

Maga found homes for the babies, but Ana ended up keeping one.
NOT this one - the orange male. Cosmo.

The kittens weren't the only animals around (or I wouldn't call it a menagerie!)
There were the chickens! It started off as an Easter experiment ... oh the little peeping and cheeping during Easter dinner (because the babies were kept in the kitchen of course). Then Maga got a little coop for the birds out back. She let them wander though. They were a little rough on the yard, pecking and scratching flowers and plants. But they laid eggs in exchange. Four chickens, around for a few years.

Then there was the BlackHamster
Can't really blame Pammy for adding this critter ... 
it was a gift from her sisters at the big Pammy Party this year. 

The puppy didn't come until next year ...

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