Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

June 2020

June will be remembered most for Cal&Kate's wedding ... and the uncertainty of how things would go with all the Covid-craziness. But we got to see almost everyone, and it was over two-weeks ago, and I haven't heard of anyone getting sick, so that's good! Now just wait another week after the big Westra Father's Day gathering and the smaller Blackham bunch and ... well, as it's been back to being rather busy, it would be a little hard to determine where/when Covid was caught if someone ended up getting sick.

  • Grayson had a couple little getaways this month ... fishing the Provo River one day, and then a couple days down in Moab for river running and Razor riding. Work has NOT seemed to be slowed, in fact sales are higher than ever and he's not exactly sure how/when he's supposed to get everything done.
  • Landon and Sol have continued to work as well. They got their front lawn in, and invested in a lawn mower and the other tools that go with having a yard. 
  • Cal ... got married! And bought a house! A big month for him and Kate! They are enjoying married life and getting settled. 
  • Keaton finished up working at Nike and is back at Camsen Electric full time. He took a weekend trip to SUU to see a friend there.
  • Coop has enjoyed summer - not having school. Sleeping in! The weekend everyone was away (Gray/Keaton and Colton) the neighbor's were also going out of town and hired him to take care of their dog. So he'd go over multiple times a day to give her potty and play breaks. We even brought her back to our house to hang out ... Joy did NOT like that (good thing there was glass between them). Coop tried to get back to some walking on the treadmill and has been struggling with bad blisters!
  • Colton is back to basketball ... the high school has a clinic that is every Mon/Wed from 1:00-2:30. Actually, that's for the 10th-12th grades, but the coach specifically told Colton to come to it rather than the earlier/easier 6th-9th session (Colton will be 9th next year) and he even played a couple games with the varsity boys in a weekend tournament. Colton played with his Wolves in a tournament in Idaho and has had some Saturday games ... but as all the games are further away, AND spectators are limited, Jen has been sitting them out - so no video highlights. 

I've been blogging (I try to do one post for the Westra Way blog and one for our family blog each day ... I had gotten very behind,  there's lots of material). I had sent in some VHS tapes to be converted to digital and got those back ... fun to see my old high school musicals and even older family videos.  Still doing Zumba three days a week, and I generally get in a treadmill walk too. Haven't been on the elliptical as much lately.  I've been listening to several audiobooks each month, but I was caught off guard when my Kindle copy got zapped back to the library. Usually I have no trouble getting through a book in the three-week check-out time (luckily no one else had holds on the book so I was able to check it out again). Some people say they will "stay up all night" reading, but I get too tired for that!

Other stuff going on ...

  • Garden ... is growing, although our tomatoes and peas aren't as impressive as Scott's! It's nice not having ducks dig up everything (and eat seedlings, and step on them). We've missed the fresh eggs and fun ... but not the stress of worrying about them. We still see some ducks at the canal.
  • Gray's Trailer (flatbed, for the RZR)... was stolen. Should have had a lock on it, but it had been blocked in by Cal's car most of the time, until Cal moved ...
  • Water Damage ... we knew there was some water damage in Cal's bedroom, but as he moved out, it became more apparent. Gray ended up tearing down half a wall and finding the problem, a leak in the pipe coming from the kitchen sink up above. So we'll need to get someone in to drywall and paint, and then Keaton plans on moving down to that bedroom.
Here's the "One Second Everyday" video ...

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