Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003 was on April 20th, and we had a lot of Easter activities going on. We hard boiled eggs and then dyed them. Classic photo of Keaton with green tongue and fingers ... he thought the little color tablet was candy and put it in his mouth. It didn't stay there ... it didn't taste like candy!

Easter morning ... the buckets left out by the Easter Bunny ... 
our white plush bunnies were in on the fun, even wearing the blue fuzzy ears. 

The day before, we'd gone to the Grandma and Grandpa Westra's house for an Easter Egg hunt with the cousins. Oodles of eggs! See more on The Westra Way blog - Westra Easter 2003.

... there was another Easter egg hunt in Maga's backyard. Big egg treasures!

Callahan started off the Easter activities with these cute ears (and that cute face) ... he got them at his pre-school (MsWendi) and he liked his little basket that he used it for the Westra hunt instead of his usual green bucket. Rather sad when it was time to wash his face, he looked so cute!

Here's a little video ... cute Callahan bunny and brothers making pancakes, 
dying eggs, and a bit of the Easter egg hunt at Westra's house. 

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