Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Cousin Camp Out 2016

This Blackham Bunch had a backyard cousin campout last year, and had to get one in this year too. Just under the wire before school started back up (so we can call it part of "summer" fun). Tents and air mattresses. Grayson even took the hammock and lounge chair. The projector of course, as a "movie" is part of the process.  Look how cute Amare and Sammy are snuggled in the sleeping bag with Keaton! The kids were writing to Landon during this time, so here are their recaps:

Colton: So on our campout to Maga's house, it took me hours to fall asleep. It was still really fun though. Addie, Will Aiden and I kept trying to balance and walk around her garden. I got the most in a row at 5. I almost got 6 in a row. The movie we watched there was, "The Angry Birds Movie." In the morning, we were going to have breakfast at a little place by the prison. Right when we got there, we found out that it was closed on Saturdays. So we ended up just going to McDonalds.
Cooper: we had the backyard campout at Maga's. A lot of Pokemon had spawned there, but I had no Poke Balls, so that blew. The movie we watched was the Angry Birds Movie. It was a great movie, and had a lot of funny moments. Then it was time to sleep, but I did not want to sleep in the tents. So I slept on a recliner under the stars. It was kind of cold, but it was also very comfortable. But the things was that I wasn't used to sleeping that way. So I woke up multiple times in the night.
Keaton: We had a backyard campout at Maga's 2 nights ago and it was way fun! It's become pretty obvious that I've officially taken over your position of occupying the little ones (Amare and Sam are with me all the time lqtm). I just slept on the ground in a sleeping bag without a tent. In the morning, we were planning on having breakfast at a cafe near the prison where some in-mates are working, but it was closed on Saturdays, so we just got Micky D's. Everyone, except me, was really scared about going. I wanted to go though because I thought it would be cool.

Callahan had the night off work (had an 8:00-4:00 shift) and sounded like he would go join the cousin campout ... but he came home and fell asleep. I poked my head in at 6:00 when Daddy and the boys were leaving to see if he'd join them then. Then again at 7:00, and 8:00 .... then I gave up. That boy is a sleepy boy.

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