Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Saturday, April 30, 2016

April 2016

April 2016 ... lots of basketball. Lots of derbies ~ 10 of them! Jen was doing Zumba four days a week in addition to other exercise, and Callahan was working at KFC, in addition to basketball and school stuff. Keaton and Colton were busy with basketball too.

  • Basketball: Colton's Wolves were playing in a Saturday league, and a Tuesday league. The Tuesday league ended up only having three teams, so each week, we'd play the same two teams, over and over. Cal had his CHHS end of season banquet. It was held at Gardener Village this year (which I prefer to downtown). The team had some games in the spring season. Keaton was back to balling after getting his cast off. He got bumped to the B team, which was a disappointment. He not only didn't care if I videoed his games, he actively did not want me to. 
  • Gray: Still struggling with sciatica and Menerie's moments. Had a few doctor's appointments this month. Still managed to hit Wendover with work friends, and he bought a smoker ... this would become a huge part of life. #graystartssmoking  and would make trips out to eat (we went to Texas Roadhouse this month) not so special ...
  • Group Gatherings: Got together with the Blackham side a few times. The annual conference brunch, gathering at Gordy's Grave and then a HUGE party for Pammy's 70th birthday.  We missed out on the baby blessing on the Westra side, which Jen felt super guilty about.
  • Ducks: We have eggs in the incubator (catching up to Maga's Menagerie, with her cats, new hamster and chickens) AND a pair of wild ducks that have been visiting every day. Will they nest nearby?
  • School Stuff: Cal and Keaton both got registered for next year. The "arena scheduling" is great because you can sign up for the classes/teachers you want, with friends. Or, you can TRY anyway. It's a crazy couple of minutes as the best classes fill up super quick. #stressful!
  • Passport Prep: Gray is getting passports for the boys, planning an upcoming Canadian vacation.

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