Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, September 1, 2008

Moab ~ Reunion, Music Park and Sand Hill

Family Reunion Time. It was the end of August, 2008, and the Blackham Bunch and the Extended Blackham Bunch, all headed down to Moab. This was to see Grandma Henry (Grayson's Dad's Mom) and those relations. In past years, everyone had stayed on Grandma Henry's property or next door, and we thought that was the plan this year. We hooked up the trailer and took it with us. We had some issues though ... got pulled over for a light not working, and then realized we weren't up to date on the registration. Oops! We stopped in Price and ended up staying at a hotel ... and then leaving the trailer there rather than risking any more problems. We'd discovered the rest of the family (Maga, Ana and Clay's family) were staying at a local hotel, and figured that would be more fun anyway. And it was.

The reunion was held at the same park we'd had it in previous years. The kids ran and played. I had forgotten it was this reunion where we got the classic picture of Maga in the funny glasses. We also visited Grandma Henry's house ... the dollhouse. A real house, but so named because of all the dolls inside. She was clearing things out and gifting items. We received a "RedBull" and a little SpongeBob couch.

We then went to a local park ... it was SO unique and different! Instead of the usual slides and swings, this was full of "musical instruments" of all sizes and shapes. There is some video under the pictures ... because you really need video to get how cool a concept this "Percussion Park" is!

... the final activity was the big red sand hill. Running up, falling down. 
Getting sweaty, and getting sand stuck. All. Over. Right before the car ride home!

Here's video from the weekend away ...

... we picked up the trailer in Price on the way home. Got hit with a huge rainstorm for the last little bit. Poor Colton had a bad cough much of the trip. The nights had been long. It was good to be back home.

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