Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, March 31, 2017

March 2017

March ... it was a meaty month! Blackham's hosted the monthly Westra party, and there was brisket, ribs and burnt ends. Can you say "smokin"?  With Landon home, he got a car (white charger) and a job (DiscoverCard). There was Daylight Savings, Parent/Teacher conferences, Grandparent's day at the elementary (Colton's moving onto middle school, so that was the last one for our crew). Olivia came out for some much needed haircuts (even Jen got a trim) and Girl Scout cookies came. Mmmm, Tagalongs are our favorite.

It was the end of basketball ... Cal and the Copper Hills team made it to the semi-finals but got beat. So instead of playing ball on Saturday, they had Prom.  The boys have been over to the Blackham basement gym to workout, and there was the big end of season basketball banquet.

Gray and three boys went to a Jazz game (Coop has got to go almost every time before, so he sat this one out). There was a breakfast trip to Virg's, and the adults had a reunion dinner with neighbors who had moved away. There was a quick getaway to Portland, surprising Uncle Kolby ... Gray, Landon and Keaton flew out. Grayson hit the bike trails on Antelope Island.

The boys were watching "Stranger Things" and enjoyed taking care of the neighbor's dog while they were away. Oh and DERBY ... Gray hosted his annual "Pinewood Derby Workshop" in the garage where he provides tools and help for anyone building cars. He then had the weigh-in ... Derby is next month.

I think that about sums up March!

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