Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, March 31, 2006

March 2006

Moments in March 2006

  • BABY BLESSING: We blessed Colton and had everyone over to the house after. The 9:00 church hour may have deterred some, which is fine, as our house isn't that great for entertaining.
  • DERBY DAYS: Gray has been setting up the new track in the basement to try out, and he hosted a work derby for Hamlet Homes. He helped the boys make cars for that, and as Landon had a science fair project due, we experimented with where to place the weight (in the back is best). 
  • WORK SHIFTS: Grayson interviewed and accepted an offer with Symphony Homes and will be changing jobs. He and a friend also built a house in Bountiful that they are selling on the side.  We went up with the Blackham clan to check it out, and Callahan fell into a puddle and got all wet. Luckily I had a "bedtime backpack" in the car with underwear and pajamas for him to change into. 
  • MORE DENTAL DAYS: Landon had to have an extraction, Callahan some work on space maintainers, I had to have some cavities filled. Lots of trips to the dentist again. Dang teeth!
  • BETTER BABYSITTING: There were quite a few babysitters, but Cooper is doing better. He started to cry once as one came over but she was prepared and pulled a little toy out of her bag and Cooper turned and said "Bye-bye mom" ...
  • IDENT-A-KID CARDS: Took the kids to the school for pictures and the little "Ident-a-kid" cards (just in case, updated pictures/fingerprints, description). The kids like them, think they are like a driver's license. 
  • SEEING SPOTS: I have some little circle stickers that I use to mark the date on the bottles of breastmilk I’ve pumped, and one morning I came out to find Cooper playing with them. He had put them all over his face and hands.
  • FAMILY FUN: Out to the folks a few times, lunch with Mom. We had the two Jensen boys over for a sleepover while Rick was in town for meetings. A big Blackham Bash with all things Italian (lasagna, spaghetti, fettuccini, pizza). 
  • INTO THE MOUTH: Cooper has never been one to put everything in his mouth, but then one day I caught him eating the fishfood, and then later putting a little marble in his mouth. Why is it that kids will put yucky things in their mouth...but not their dinner?
  • TOILET TROUBLE: We’ve had a little problem with the potty backing up and clogging occasionally, and while it has never actually overflowed, and I don’t get mad at the kids when it happens, it has totally freaked Keaton out. Every time he goes to flush he says “I wonder if it will clog, I hope it doesn’t clog”. Many times he just leaves it without flushing, which is rather unpleasant for the rest of the family.
  • SLIVERS: Keaton got a sliver in his hand and we tried to get it out. I got about half out, but the rest was just embedded too deep. It wasn’t hurting him, so we just let it be, and a few days later we tried again and got it out without any trouble. That same day Callahan showed me a “line” on his thumb...it was a sliver going over halfway down under the nail. OUCH! He said it didn’t hurt and he couldn’t even remember when it happened. Then it apparently fell out before I had a chance to try and get it out. Weird, isn’t putting something under the fingernails a torture device? Callahan wasn’t even fazed.
  • KITTY-KITTY: A little black kitty was around outside. The boys loved playing with it and brought it in the house for a while, made a little house for it outside. Maybe someday ...
  • TV TROUBLE: Our fairly new TV has gone bad, lines all through it. We do have a warranty, so looking into repair/replacement.
  • BATTLESTAR: With Grayson’s new Ipod Video he can download television programs ($1.99 each) and he’s become hooked on “Battlestar Galactica” from the Sci-Fi cable channel. He showed me one, and then we got the miniseries from Blockbuster. He then bought the Season One set. I thought this was going to be something we could watch together, but apparently he can’t wait and keeps watching without me!
  • RASH REMEDY: Colton had such a bad diaper rash I took him into the doctor. Got a prescription which cleared it up pretty quick.
  • BAND-AIDS & BOOBOOS: Cooper got a little ouchie on his head, I don’t even remember how it happened. It really wasn’t bad, just a small circle in the middle of his forehead. But...he just wouldn’t leave it alone. He would pick at it and rub it, getting blood all over and I was afraid it was never going to heal. I finally covered it up with a bandage, but of course he pulled it off. I tried a few more times, and finally used a “Toy Story” band-aid which Cooper left on for several days. It wasn’t quite there, so when it came off, I replaced it with a “Pooh” one. Everyone would say “what happened” as the band-aid was so very visible. Cooper picked right up on this question, and when I had a bandage on my thumb he looked at me so concerned and asked “wha happnen? Ouchie hurt?”
Check out the Email Updates on the WriteOn blog for family recaps sent at the time, or Jen'sJournal for details on the day to day. 

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