Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, February 13, 2017

Feeding a Basketball Team

Team dinners before home games ... I guess it's a tradition, eat together, play together, get the parents involved. I always stressed out about it. This year, Gray stepped up and said he'd smoke stuff for the team dinner.  How many ribs exactly for 35+ athletic boys, plus coaches. A LOT.  And it was a lot of work. Seasoning them all, sticking them on the smoker, then dividing them, adding sauce, and wrapping them up in individual packs, 4-5 ribs each for ease of assembly line eating. 

Grayson was even prepared with little bottles of BBQ sauce and "wipes" for messy fingers.
Other parents provided salad, rolls and paper products.

This was for all the teams, not just varsity, so Keaton and his crew were there to eat as well. 
The ribs got rave reviews. 

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