Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Gray (and Grandapa's) Garage (and a Stairway to Nowhere)

Belated Blogging. This post will be backdated to the end of 2018.

In 2018 ... Grayson started his garage project. He'd always kept the garage quite controlled and clean, but he took it up a notch. He tore out all the old wooden shelves and pulled down the pegboard siding. He put a lot of stuff in storage and threw out a ton too. He invested in some new Gladiator slat-board for the walls, and some nice new drawer sets ... on wheels, for easy maneuverability. Pretty much everything either had wheels or was otherwise off the ground. He looked into painting what remained of the walls, then ended up going with some wood panel veneer on the top and bottom and any remaining wall space. Looked a little like shiplap to me (Gray was impressed I knew what that was).   He spent HOURS working in the garage, and spent a bit of money too, but it is his "spot" and he spends a lot of time there.

Anytime there is a delivery or something, I get comments on how nice Gray's garage is (especially from the men, but an occasional woman too). Some have even asked if they could snap pictures. 

I don't really have "before" shots, but here's the "after"

My folks came over to visit one day and I showed them Gray's garage. I didn't know WHAT I was starting. As others had been, they were very impressed and it inspired them to do something similar. The Grandparent's Garage was another big project. Gray was involved some, recommending products, doing some purchasing and picking up of items. Derek and Chris did a lot of the work there too.   Mom did take some before shots ...

Before ...
Lots of old apple boxes, pegboard to hang all sorts of items. That blue metal shelf with the saw on top? I remember that from the Hermitage house. It was out back under the deck and we used to keep  the "newspaper logs" in it.

During ...
Some of the same slat-material along the walls for hanging, and the same wood paneling for a more finished look. Some nice big lockers, and a similar set of shelves.  Cleaning off the shelves and replacing the boxes with crates, all the same size and color. Gray even got out his Cricut machine so the labeling would be professional and consistent too. 

... I still need to get some good "after" shots.

I think the garage was a little more my mom's thing ... I think my dad was fine with the way things were. He likes his boxes and his buckets. He's known for digging big holes around the yard. In fact, he has more than just a hole ... he has a cave. Nice stairs down behind the deck, and they lead down to the ultimate hole in the ground. My mom worried a bit about the stability of it. She didn't want it collapsing. They spent a bit of money shoring it up. Another place for my dad to keep his buckets and such. My brother Derek ended up writing lyrics and singing a song about his "Stairway to Nowhere" and I took the clips and photos and turned it into a video. Here it is ...

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