Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter 2020 - Covid Quarantine

Easter was on April 12 this year. I'd like to say it was low-key because of the coronavirus ... but while things were sparse, it was only a little less than the last few years, when I didn't have the "I couldn't go to the store" excuses. And we COULD go to stores, it was just discouraged (stay home/stay safe).  To make it look like there was a little more, I incorporated an old Westra tradition. Boxes of favorite cereal (I added some cereal boxes a couple years ago too). When I was growing up, sugar cereals were a treat, not something we had access to all the time. Today? I just stormed the food storage. But it is a good way to capture what the kid's favorites are. 

Cinnamon Toast Crunch for Colton. The other kids like it too.  Hershey's Fillows for Cooper (not really even eaten as cereal. No milk, just eaten as a snack).  Fruit Loops for Keaton. I'd just stocked up because he said he LOVED Loops ... but that was before he tried some Fruity Pebbles, and he now he actually prefers the Pebbles. Malt-o-Meal Dinobites are an acceptable alternative too (not always the case, the kids are "name brand" snobs).  Honey Nut Cheerios - Cal eats this pretty much every morning. Landon likes them too. 
Peanut-butter M&Ms are for the older boys (and ME), along with Reeses Eggs. The littles don't like peanut butter. We love the FavorREDS jellybeans ... and I still pick out the reddest reds to eat first. In addition to cereal, I added another pantry staple - chips. Doritos, Cheetos and Lays. Not very "Easter" but a treat the boys like. And unique to this year, I added some sanitizing wipes.  For Landon and Sol's basket, they got some treats, some wipes and toilet paper, which has been missing from store shelves of late.

I was happy the boys were willing to put on the fluffy ears and pose for a picture. Landon and Sol came over later and there was some game play into the evening hours. The big Easter gathering on the Westra side has petered out as there just aren't that many little kids around. I didn't even get out the plastic eggs. No visits with Westras or Blackhams this year (stay home/stay safe). 

There were some "nests" made this year, but only one batch. 
I didn't get around to sugar cookies or the chocolate chip with M&Ms. 

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