Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Autumn Aloft

I'd heard about the hot air balloon festival up in Park City. It's called Autumn Aloft - mid September (the 14th and 15th). Jami was in town with her girls and thought it sounded fun. Maga's always up for anything if it's with family, and Grayson always likes to be involved. While I like hot air balloons, I don't care for driving and crowds, but I decided to give it a go and I was glad I went. 

It was a beautiful Sunday morning. We got off a little late (we're Blackhams) and stopped by Maga's house so we could all drive up together. Olivia decided to come too, and she drove separate, because she wasn't ready and there wasn't room in the car. 

As we got closer ... the cars and the crowds were obvious. Not unexpected. No parking anywhere. Gray stopped and dropped off Maga and the girls, and then Gray and I drove around, figuring we'd just watch from the road (it was pretty much a parking lot anyway).  Then suddenly, a road that had been closed before was no open. We pulled in, and there was parking! We guessed it had been set aside and reserved, but then opened up this late into the event.

As Gray and I started to wander in ... it seemed everyone else was heading out. We hadn't seen any balloons go up. Maybe one. There were still others "up" but on the ground. Weather plays a part, and although it didn't seem windy or anything, I guess the actual "aloft" part wasn't going to happen. We still got some fun photos and it was nice to be out in the fresh air. Good for all ages. Free. No pets please (yea, that rule wasn't followed at all! Dogs everywhere!)

After the non-liftoff, we stopped for breakfast at the Porcupine Grill.

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