Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Mr. Mallard, Golden Girl and other Backyard Birds

Summer of 2017 ... we were duckless. We'd hatched a set of mallards in the Spring, but they hadn't stuck around. The geese were gone. The backyard felt a bit empty. Grayson heard of a neighbor who had added a couple ducks to his chickens, and they weren't getting along. So, we adopted the ducks.

Mr. Mallard was a traditional mallard, but the female was a Buff. She was very pretty and she was shy and nice. Mr. Mallard on the other hand, was a bit of a brute. He'd peck at my ankles and got annoyed with the wild birds that would come to partake of the buffet in our backyard.  Here's a little video recapping our time with these two ...


While Golden Girl hadn't laid eggs yet at her previous residence, it wasn't long until she started laying for us. She popped out some HUGE eggs. They would really vary in size. She was quite consistent, laying one a day. Then, she stopped. I didn't think too much of it, but then a little over a week later, I discovered a nest in a new location with a whole bunch of eggs in it. She'd just moved spots. I collected those eggs, as I wasn't prepared for a big batch of babies. 

These were all fertilized eggs (believe me, there was enough action going on to ensure that). Grayson wanted to see what the babies from these two would look like, but I didn't want Golden Girl to sit and stop laying (and she'd likely wait until she had a dozen or more eggs). We decided to try a few in the incubator.  More on that in the next post ...

We did end up with babies. Even though they were the babies of these two birds, I was afraid of how Mr. Mallard would treat them. So, we ended up keeping the four ducklings, and rehoming Mr. Mallard and Golden Girl. We hadn't planned on keeping them over the winter anyway. They were a fun addition to our summer ducks of 2017. 

My video camera caught quite a few other birds in the backyard (and front yard) as well. I think the birds tweeted about the nice buffet that was always laid out. Birds galore! I love the fat quail, and the baby birds being fed by their parents, the lovey doveys and the starlings (I've posted about them nesting in our back wall and garage brick - Noisy Birds). Saw some wild ducks at the canal as well. Here's a quick little video from the miscellaneous Blackham birds of 2017. 

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