Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 Recap and Review

2019 ... not a great year for blogging, or weight, or a lot of things ... of course there were some good memories too. Here I'll try to do a little recap of the good, the bad and the ugly.

  • Animals: We had our six ducks for almost the entire year. There was some ducky drama, and I ended up needing to separate some of them (bullying HaniQuack). As winter rolled around, I didn't feel up to another snowy season of lugging water out, and we rehomed the ducks to a cute little farm in Riverton. No more #BlackhamDucks, at least for a while. We still have our two kitties, although we had a scare with Joy, when she got lost for several days. We were happy she made it back home. Cal's hamster died. Landon and Sol added another kitty (Bagera) and another doggy (Cherry) and they bring the two dogs over fairly often when they visit. We had a little monarch caterpillar, but it didn't survive to become a butterfly :(
  • Basketball: Colton played with his Wolves every season, in several leagues (Winter Wolves, Spring Wolves, Summer Wolves, Fall Wolves)  He finished up the season with the Jags, played on two separate Showtime teams (Fall Showtime), and then joined the Jags again. Keaton played Junior Jazz again, and really got into cheering on the CHHS team in the stands. Cal likes to get together playing with buddies, joined a few men's leagues and hit the CHHS Alumni tournament. Coop likes watching NBA and went to a Jazz game with his cousins.
  • Cars: The lease on the Durango was up, so we transitioned to a purchase, keeping that car. Gray still drives the Sequoia ... but he bought a Razor for recreation. Landon and Sol have been a one car family with his Charger. Cal was able to pay off his Charger. Both Chargers and the Durango had to get into the shop for recall repairs. The Tundra got hit while Keaton was on his way to work, causing a bit of stress there at the end of the year ... so far Coop has shown absolutely no interest in learning how to drive.
  • Employment: Landon started a new job with LKL Associates and has really thrived there. Sol  is still using her CNA skills, but switched from Aspen Ridge to the Uof U ortho unit. Callahan is continuing on with his electrical apprenticeship. Keaton decided to give that a try too, but it didn't click for him, so he's now working (and shopping) at the Nike store. It's been a busy year for Grayson with Symphony Homes. The man works so hard!
  • Fitness, Fitbits and 5ks: I'm still doing Zumba and working out in the home gym, although my motivation has slipped somewhat, especially toward the end of the year. I did run the annual 5k, but I was the only one to do so. Keaton uses the home gym a bit too. Coop and I enjoyed a variety of raquet sports ... ping pong, tennis, badminton and pickleball. The VR game "BeatSaber" is a workout, as is the latest fitness game for the Switch. There is a picture of the four boys with Fitbits ... but it's a little hit and miss with them. Cal broke his Blaze and I got him a replacement, but K8 gifted him a Versa2 for Christmas. Coop upgraded to the Inspire, but he doesn't like to wear it. Colton wears his, but forgets to sync. One week we thought we lost both Keaton's Flex2 and Colton's device, but I tracked them down with a FitbitFinder app. 
  • Gadgets & Games: Added the "Brillance" switches, controlling even more lights and such via an app. Updated the TVs (TCL Roku). Gray got a new Ipad and switched from an iphone to a SamsungGalaxy. Coop got his old phone (it was offered to me but I don't adapt to change very well). Landon, Sol and Cal ended up upgrading, getting iphone 11s. I added earbuds to my audiobook arsenal. We added a PlaystationVR and XboxOne, because we didn't have enough video game systems! Cooper set a goal to make it through all 4800 levels of Wordscapes ... and he did it (I'm on level 912). 
  • Home Sweet Home: New blinds ... they were very needed. We had added the housecleaners last year ... still have them! We actually seriously considered a new house, but ultimately decided against it. However Landon and Sol, will be moving into a new home shortly into the new year. They were out of their apartment in August and moved in with her mom while it is being built.
  • Medical and Mental Health: Nothing too much as far as injuries for most of the year ... then Callahan broke his foot. We thought it was a broken ankle, but it was just badly rolled. The foot was broken though. In a boot for eight weeks. Grandma had fallen and broken her wrist shortly before. She needed surgery. It's been a rough year with Coop's depression and anxiety. 
  • Movie Mania: Landon and Sol joined a movie program with AMC and love going to movies, often hitting two a week. Cooper enjoys it as well, and Landon and Sol are really great at including him and any of the other boys who want to go.
  • School Stuff: Keaton graduated from CHHS. Cooper started 10th grade at Bingham High School, but we decided to try online school for him. We've been impressed with Mountain Heights Academy. We had some confusion/frustration as to where Colton would be attending (Elkridge again?) and appreciate his adaptability as he did need to switch middle schools to start new at Joel P. 
  • Vacations: Big family cruise at the start of the year (sans Mom, Landon/Sol). Gray had quite a few little get-aways ... to Moab, St. George, Wendover, the Dunes. He and Coop went to Seattle at the end of September, while Keaton joined the extended Blackhams at Disneyland. Gray then did a Hawaii vacation (w/KJ) for his 50th, and Landon and Sol had a Mexico vacation.
  • Water Fun: There were several trips to Pineview with the wave runners. Coop and I even made it up one time! Here at home, the hot tub is still getting used (mostly Keaton and Cooper) and Gray's cool water balloon filler came in handy a few times during the summer.
  • Weather: While the family was warm in Mexico on their cruise, a HUGE snowstorm hit here at home. School was canceled. That's the first time in my experience as a parent where they actually closed the schools for snow. We had some big rainstorms in the summer (a little flooding and Gray pulling me under the roof runoff) and a hail storm that demolished the garden.
  • Weddings and Funerals: Cal made things official with Kate, getting engaged the last day of August. The wedding is planned for next year, June 10th. Pammy passed away unexpectedly, and her loss has hit the family hard.
Here's the 1 Second Every Day recap ...

So that's the recap by theme, now by person ...
  • Grayson: Work, work, work! Up uber early, staying late, working weekends. He does manage to find time for vacations though, from a family cruise to heading to Hawaii, to little weekend getaways and visiting family in Seattle. Still smoking, and perfecting the Sous Vide. Loves watching cooking videos. Slimmed down on the Keto diet and says he doesn't even miss sweets and carbs (crazy!). Still a derby dude, and all the boys took turns helping out. 52 derbies plus the derby workshop. But who knows what next year will bring ...
  • Jen: Still dancing and trying to get her workouts in but sure struggling with the scale (173.6/188.5 164.2/190.8). Wrapped up the garden and yardwork and is officially done with ducks. Got even MORE into books this year, if that is possible (218 - JenB'sBooks2019). Added small wireless earbuds to her audible arsenal and now has a book going whenever she can (driving, gardening, cleaning, doing laundry, watching sports, mowing the lawn). While never paying full price, got lots of listening in on KindleUnlimited with the library as backup, and is reviewing for AudiobookBoom.  "Auditing" several of Cooper's classes to help him with school. 
  • Landon and Sol: Landon's work was literally walking distance from their apartment, and just a couple minutes away from our house, so we still saw them a lot. They moved to Herriman early in the year, but now Landon pops over for lunch almost every day. They adopted another kitty and another dog. Sol is attending LDS Business College as well as working (started the year at Aspen Ridge, now working up at the U). They LOVE going to movies. BIG news, Sol got her permanent residency, so with that (being able to leave the country AND return) the two of them took a trip to Mexico.
  • Cal and Kate: Cal is continuing on with his electrical apprenticeship and taking the required school classes along the way. Kate is attending school up at the U and recently started working at the library. They are very frugal and saving for their future together. Cal made things official with a proposal and they are now engaged, with the wedding planned for June2020. Cal enjoyed some basketball in the men's league ... up until he broke his foot! He's still vegetarian.
  • Keaton: Finished up his high school year living it up to the fullest. He's super social, attending dances, games and hanging out ... and working. He quit KFC and took the summer off, then started working with Callahan(Camsen) for the Fall. He then switched to a job at Nike and is planning on attending SLCC next semester. 
  • Cooper: After a tough year in 9th grade, we had high hopes that getting the permit approved to Bingham and getting into classes with friends would smooth the transition to high school. Alas, it was just too much and after looking into options, he is now enrolled in Mountain Heights Academy for online school. He still loves watching football (we dumped DirectTV and I was SO relieved that the NFL Redzone program would be okay, as he was used to the DTV one) and went to a SeaHawks game with Uncle Kolby. He joined a fantasy football league ... and ended up winning the whole thing ($300!). He loves going to movies with Landon and Sol. He was super excited about the new Pokemon game ... but he bought it and beat it already.
  • Colton: After district boundary changes, school was a little up in the air for Colton. We decided NOT to permit, which meant he would be changing middle schools. Luckily, he is an adaptable kid and makes friends easily. He started 8th grade at Joel P and is planning on attending West Jordan, and has already caught the coach's attention there. Colton continued playing basketball all year round, and even went to Vegas with his Wolves. He loves hanging out with his basketball buddies on and off the court.  

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