Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Family 5k Fun Run & The Dirty Dash

After Cooper had expressed some interest in running a couple years ago, I had looked into local 5k races. Last year I discovered the Linda Butter's 5k over at the Veteran's Park, which is super close to home. It is also inexpensive! I admit, the $$ is a deterrent with many of the races out there (I realize most are raising funds for a good cause, it can just be too expensive for the whole family). THIS race is more of a service, there is no way they are making money. But it's one I can commit to. This was the second year I signed the Blackham Bunch up for the run.  

Grayson said he wasn't in good enough shape, and Keaton wouldn't get out of bed. We missed Kate this year, but Sol joined Landon, so I wasn't the only girl. I was still last (from our family).  The previous year, all our times were a little too good, I don't think the course had been measured correctly. This year, the times were a little more as expected (and it was an extra lap around the park).  I got lapped by Callahan and Colton. I think the overall winner lapped me twice!

I didn't get around to photographing the finish sheets this year, but from our family, Callahan came in first, with Colton close behind. Then Sol and Landon and Cooper ... then me.

We got cute matching shirts again. Nice. Plus a goodie bag with some fun stuff. I really liked the tube of chapstick stuff. A race, shirt and swag ... $10 for everyone/everything! 

While Kate couldn't make the family fun run, she and Cal did the Dirty Dash. 
They said it was hard!

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