Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Saturday, April 29, 2017

A Super 5K

Ever since my #4 ran a race last year (My Little Man Ran) he'd wanted to try it again. Hubs health slipped, and I certainly didn't feel up to it (anxiety issues dealing more with driving there, checking in, dealing with crowds affect me more than the actual "running" although that is a challenge for me too!) But big brother came home from his mission to Mexico, and he said he'd be willing to go give it a try. So I scanned the local 5k races and signed the boys up.

It was the end of April, and it was COLD. The boys almost wimped out due to the weather. But after paying the registration fees (I think it was $35 a person) I told them they better not wimp out. The theme was "Calling All Heroes" ... and they dressed up appropriately (minus capes). They both had on Superhero socks too!

I watched (stalked) them with the Find my Friends app, and noticed they stayed together the entire time. #1 pushed #4 a little ... and they crossed the finish line together. There were 74 racers, and the Blackham boys took 4th and 5th. Not sure WHY it says my #4 is 98 years of age (he's thirteen). Maybe I did a typo on the entry? Probably would have been first in his age division, if they'd had age divisions.

... another race under #4's belt. Speaking of belts, Hubs had purchased a Flipbelt ages ago, and had never worn it. We'd pulled it out when #1 son started running and he loves it. I guess I might need to invest in another one!

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