Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Grayson's Get-Aways 2017

Throwback Thursday ... wrapping up last year's getaways with Gray.

Grayson has been bitten by the travel bug!  I blogged about  Gray's trip to Mexico picking up Landon from his mission, and the family vacation to Seattle, but there was so much more. Gray had some travel for work (pictured above, the Symphony guys off to Orlando for the builder's convention in January) but most was for fun. Sometimes with friends, sometimes with family ... even on his own. Here's a look at 2017's get-aways ...

In March, Jami had planned a trip to Portland as a surprise for Kolby, and Grayson decided to join in. Landon and Keaton were up for the trip too.   They were off ... and ready for some fun.

In April, Grayson hit the red rocks of Moab ...

In June, he and the two little boys headed to Bear Lake with Cole's family.

... as a final summer get-away, Gray and the three youngest hit St.George with the extended Blackham Bunch. They rented a house there for a few days. It rained the first day, but then cleared up and the kids enjoyed the pool. 

Gray took the boys to Vegas to see the Blue Man Group in concert. 

In September, Gray and a group hit Moab on bikes.

In November, Gray flew out to Vancouver to meet up with Kolby to see Sam Harris speak. Then they took the train back to Seattle, and saw the comedian Mike Birbiglia. Of course yummy food is always part of Grayson's travel, and he made sure to stop off at Lunchbox Laboratory ... the boys back home were sure jealous of that!

... one final photo, capturing the clouds
Nice to have a window seat with this view.

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