Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Office Space

Grayson FINALLY has a spot. He's wanted a little desk space at home for a long while now. His space. We've tried various options (Rearranging Rooms and a New Computer showcases a couple that didn't end up working out). I think this one will work. Finally. It is in our bedroom, where my computer was before. Simple set up. Basic. Uncluttered. That's how he likes it.

So where am I now? When Gray first brought up the idea of setting up a spot again, he mentioned moving into "middle earth" again (he had tried that area before). I knew that wouldn't work for him. The clutter drives him crazy. But me? It was doable for me. Now anyway. With our recent change from Comcast cable to Direct TV, my computer was now on the wireless network (where it had been wired directly before). So time for another room re-arrange. 

My new spot ... complete with cat.

We thought about getting a desk, but ended up just putting up one of Gray's old derby tables. I  covered it with decorative paper as it was discolored from years of graphite (and to combat the slight texture on top). It's cuter that way though, right? I have more space to spread out with the printer on the floor underneath (it was on the desk when I occupied the bedroom). While I don't have drawers, I was able to clean out several shelves nearby. I have spots for things I didn't before (montly bills, various chargers). If I'm a little cluttered, it's not right in Gray's line of sight. It's working out well.

There is still a window to let some sunshine in. I'm a sunshine gal. The bedroom has better view of the backyard, and I must admit, I will miss the easy glimpses of the ducks while working at the computer. Now I'll have to walk to windows or peek out the back door to see them. But there were times when Gray was resting when I wanted to work on the computer and didn't feel I could (didn't want to disturb), so this spot is better for that (although now he may have the same issue if he's awake in the night and wants to work).  I'd been occupying the bedroom desk pretty much since we moved in here (so 20+ years), and unforunately I was often in the way as Grayson would have to manuevor to his side of the bed. This arrangment solves that issue!

I'd always just used a simple kitchen chair at the desk, as I felt it was the least intrusive (but I still always ended up in the way). Now, both Gray and I could upgrade to nicer "office" chairs.  We took a trip together to Office Max and test some out. I discovered we have very different tastes, and that chairs are often angled more to men/women. I felt a little lost in some of the bigger chairs, and the one that I ultimately selected Grayson sat down in for one second and stood back up saying "um, that one is a definite NO". Based on the picture above, you can see that Oreo approves of my choice. I don't really approve of him commendearing my chair though. And it's fabric, so his shedding sticks! I've resorted to putting Cooper's basketball backpack on the seat when I'm not there to deter the kitties from settling there. 

While Gray seem to really like his new desk, he feels a little bad pushing me out (although I'm the one who volunteered the idea) ... it's really working out well for both of us though. 

Here's to office space!
(Have you seen my stapler?)

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