Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Exploring Mexico!

Where in the World is Grayson Blackham?
As Elder Blackham's mission to Mexico came to its conclusion, Grayson thought it would be great to go and pick Landon up. They could travel around for a bit, see the sites, explore the country, before heading home. Maga decided to go too, and the two of them took off.

... and, together again!
My men and Maga visited a bunch of different places, experimented with the cuisine,  and met quite a few friends and families Elder Blackham had worked with in his two years there. Grayson took a TON of pictures, and kept family back home updated on our doings via group text and Facebook. I uploaded the photos into an album (Blackham Mexico 2017). 

I've also included a few favorites below. 

... and then, it was time to head home.

by bus, from Puebla to Mexico City 

Then the flight home ...

We were waiting ...

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