Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, March 21, 2016

My Little Man Ran (First 5k)

For the past several months, my Cooper (12 years old) has been a step-crazy kid! Often with weeks averaging daily steps of 30,000 or more. When it's too cold to play outside, he started jogging on the treadmill to up his step count. He mentioned casually to me "I set it at 6 (6mph), so that's one mile in 10 minutes, and three miles in 30 minutes." Ummm ... I don't think I could do that (admittedly, I'm a wimp when it comes to running)! I haven't hit the treadmill lately, but back when I did, I was more at the 12-minute mile range. 5mph. I'm not even sure how long I could keep that up at this point, three miles would be pushing it!
I mentioned the statement to Hubs, and he looked up a local 5k this past weekend.  We wondered if running in a race might appeal (this is my anxiety child, who has dropped out of team sports because they are too stressful and competitive.) Cooper seemed willing to give it a try, and Keaton said he would too (even with a cast on his arm/broken wrist). If Colton had wanted to run too, I would have done it myself (I even updated and charged my ipod shuffle just in case), but the little guy wanted to save his energy for his basketball game later in the day. So off Daddy and the two boys went. Maga met them at the race!

Ready to Race!

Daddy's original plan had been to start closer to the back of the pack, so the boys could pass some people and get that rush. The boys however didn't like the "back" idea and wound their way to the front. They were off and Hubs couldn't quite catch up! We were both a little afraid the boys might push too hard, and then need to stop, but they ran the whole thing. Cooper came in just under 24 minutes (2nd in his age group, 19th overall) with Keaton right behind him. 
I think it was an excellent experience for both boys. They had been with us years ago when we did our Family 5k, but CooperMan was in a stroller then, and Keaton had been on a scooter. This was the first time running a 5k for both of them. I don't think it will be their last though ...

Update ...

Our stake has an annual 5k in May. After the success of the first race, I thought this would be an easy one ... and maybe I'd even participate this time. I was planning on it, and so was Cooper and Keaton. The morning of the race, it was POURING rain. Cooper and I opted out, but Keaton was still game. He did get soaking wet, and slipped a time or two.

They got these nice t-shirts! 
Not bad for a free race (we did donate a couple cans of food). 

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