Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Daddy Does Derbies

Gray does derbies ... everyone knows that, right? How many years has it been now? A lot! Grayson bought his track back with Landon was a cub scout. This past year was busy. My man ran 39 derbies! And while all the boys help out at one time or another, Keaton has been Grayson's main man. He really stepped up this year. Not only being willing to help, but able. Gray has told me how impressed he is at everything Keaton accomplishes. Maybe Keaton will run them on his own at some point?

Gray is always adding and updating his derby stuff. 
This year ... new tables. Black tables. 
They look pretty awesome, right?

Gray did put a limitation on travel for 2015, turning down derbies is Utah County, as it's just such a long drive. He still had plenty of business fairly close to home, and did some derbies in North Salt Lake, taking his trailer up to work with him. 

He just had his first derby of this year ... and three more scheduled for the last week in January. April is probably the busiest month. How many derbies will there be this year? We shall see ...

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