Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Callahan's Prom Pictures

Prom. Callahan and Amanda. Ah ... cute couple!

In the weeks before from, there was the asking, and the answering (we ended up with a life sized Justin Beiber cutout in the house). Then there is the fitting for the tux rental (happily there is a local place that is very reasonable), the ordering of the corsage, the making of plans. Normally, the kids to big long day dates, but Amanda had a dance thing in the morning, so this was pretty much just dinner and dancing, without a lot of the extras.  Here are some pictures from prom ...

The corsage and ticket.

 The "pickup" picture at the house.
Mom's of boys often miss out on this - I told him I wanted a picture!

Group shot before ...

Dinner at Olive Garden ...

We mentioned to Uncle Clay that is where they were going ...
Silly texts. I think it stressed Callahan out just a bit ;)

Not a limo, but they had a nice ride arranged. 

 Another group shot.

 BIG group shot!

Another prom down in the books ...

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