Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Superbowl Traditions

As Superbowl Sunday rolled around, Gray and I hadn't really had it on our radar. Usually, we have a big feast. Steak, marinated chicken, mashed potatoes ... yummy. We just hand't really thought about it this year. But Keaton? He thought about it. He insisted on it. So we had our traditional Superbowl Smorgasbord. I just forgot to take a picture. 

I had planned on making the superbowl sugar cookies. The cookie cutter Gray and I found several years ago is SO big. And the cookies just get bigger when baked! The cookies actually outdid some of the boys ... they couldn't finish!

Landon is missing from these pictures ... 
he was down the street watching with friends.

Normally, Daddy says NO THROWING BALLS IN THE HOUSE but on this night, he was the one throwing. It was fun to watch the boys and their daddy! It was a pretty exciting Superbowl game. Unbelievable ending. Because of the Seattle Blackhams, we were rooting for the SeaHawks ... 

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