Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, March 2, 2015

Family Photos

I'll admit, I'm a snapshot gal. I generally do get a lot of pictures taken, but nothing professionally. We've had a couple family photo shoots, set up by extended family, but we'd NEVER had one just for us. With Landon leaving, we figured we probably should. 

My SIL Alicia has a photography business (Gray Wren Photography) and as she is family, it did seem a logical choice. Alicia even came over and helped pick out a wardrobe. She met us at Gardner Historic Village the last day of January. It was a bit chilly, but no snow!

Here are a few candid shots from the day (taken by Gray, NOT Gray Wren) *Ü*

We were pretty excited to get our finished photos back. Alicia sent us a link to a mobile album to view online (and an app for our phone) and then dropped off a flash drive with full sized files. 

Here's a little compilation I created to share square on Instagram ...

I went ahead and updated my Facebook ... 
A new profile picture and cover photo for me.

I updated Colton's as well ...

... and, I'm not sure if you remember what this blog looked like before, 
but I updated it as well!

Yea for family photos!

Grayson commissioned a sketch from one of the photos ...

... and he created a stick figure family too.

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