Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, July 25, 2014

Flags, Fireworks, Floats

For many years when the kids were young, we would grab the flag shirts at Old Navy and take pictures. We hadn't done it in a while, but Landon brought it up, and was even willing to go to the store and make it happen! The kids weren't as happy about posing for a picture ... I had said the last person out would have to unload the dishwasher ... can you tell Cooper wasn't happy about that? Landon even picked up shirts for Gray and I ... although Grayson never wore his!

We didn't do too much for the Fourth of July. Grayson, Landon and Keaton were at Lake Powell. I took the three remaining boys and we went swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's pool (why didn't I take pictures?) and then out to eat at Red Robin. We picked up some simple fireworks on the way home (snaps, sparklers, parachutes, and some new ones you activate with your feet that Cooper really liked). As usual, the neighbors put on a really nice show!

Every year before the Days of 47 parade, there is a parade preview at the South Towne Expo center. I've hit it with Cooper, we tried one year as a family. This year, Grayson and I went as a date. Our ward had created a float this year, and the young men had spent quite a bit of time working on it. We probably should have brought the boys, but it was a bit of an "anniversary date" for us.

We grabbed a few more fireworks for the 24th, and again, the neighbors put on a great show. Grayson was working a bit on some firestarting with the boys (flint and steel) ... a poor man's fireworks! But they seemed entertained. 

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