Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Spring Soccer - Colton and the Crew

 Uncle Clayton contacted us and asked if we were putting Colton in soccer for the Spring season. Colton definitely wanted to play, but all our little friends in the neighborhood he had played with previously had moved. So when Uncle Clay asked Colton to join his team, we said ok. It was a little bit further to drive ... but parking was actually a lot better than over at the West Jordan fields.

They had a great season. An undefeated season! Colton managed to score a goal in every game I believe. It was fun to play with cousin Addie, as see family at the games. Colton made a good friend with Derek, another great player on the team.

It's always funny posing for the team pictures. As they were patiently waiting Colton moaned "this takes SO long, like literally 15 minutes!"

Team Picture. Spring 2014. 

I didn't make it to every game (scheduling conflicts with brother's basketball) but I got video on the times I went and made a quick highlight reel to spotlight the season.  Great to take hours of footage and condense it into a couple minutes!

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