Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Voice & What I'm Watching

I remember my mom telling me about "The Voice" ... that it was one of the shows she enjoyed. I used to watch American Idol, but it's been a few years. Now, I really don't watch "live" tv. I only watch while I workout. I had to wait until series hit DVD or Netflix before I could indulge. So I never watched any of the reality shows.

A couple years ago, the boys (Landon, Keaton and Cooper at least) did get very invested in "The Voice". I think it was season 3, the year Cassadee Pope won. While they were cheering for her at the end, she hadn't been their top pick early on. I remember them getting SO upset when one of their favorites didn't move on.

Since then, I've discovered a service called PlayOn/PlayLater, which allows me to watch anything I could watch on my computer, on the television screen (using my Roku box). Now that I could watch current programming while working out ... I have been. I'm still not live, I wait until the day after a show airs, when the network posts it to their webpage. I record it (I can skip over commercials that way), then stream it. Now I'm keeping up with a few shows ... Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, The Good Wife and The Voice. 

As I used to sing myself, I enjoy singing competition shows. I like the blind auditions, and the battle rounds are my favorite. I love duets and harmonies. At times, I maybe would like to purchase one of the songs on Itunes, but they only provide the winner's solo, not the duet version (which is what I liked).

I am SO glad I have the show recorded so I can skip over all the commercials. After only watching Netflix or DVDs for a few years, I have NO patience for commercial breaks! I get a little tired of the sad, sob story backgrounds. I feel like they must pointedly ask the performers expound on their tales of woe. I do think it is a little unfair how someone who does not get chosen for the show still gets a full spotlight, while some who make it, don't even get any air time (this will impact them in the voting rounds I think). 

I don't know who I'm rooting for this year ... or even if I'll stay watching beyond the battle rounds. I did recognize the very first person to audition in the blinds. I've been a fan of one of her YouTube videos for a while ... LOVE this cover!

Do YOU watch The Voice?
What shows keep you coming back?

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