Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine Time

February 14 was fast approaching ... it was Landon who actually asked if I'd snap a picture to make our traditional personalized, 3-D Valentine cards. Colton and Cooper were home at the time, and as they would need Valentines for their upcoming class parties at school, I took some pictures of them as well. Then it was time to print, pickup, cut the slits and insert the suckers. My wrist was sore!  Landon did his own~

He wrote the poem, and decided to dress up this year. 
He also bought special "rose" suckers. 

What you don't see, is that he didn't actually have any pants on when I took this picture. He just put on the suit coat and then had on shorts for the bottom half.

I had volunteered to be room mother for Cooper's class at school again this year. One of the responsibilities of the room mom is planning the parties (Halloween and Valentine's Day). I pulled out my supplies, and pretty much did a repeat of last year (see my Valentine's Games post for details on that).  There actually wasn't much time, as it was a short day, and the kids needed to pass out their valentine's as well. Cooper's class had a "best box" contest ... we just did my "Lazy Mom's Valentine Box" again this year.  I'm relieved and glad that it's all over! I don't LOVE Valentine's Day!

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